community nourishment

We are a cooperative community garden in downtown Tacoma and a 2020 recipient of a Tacoma Creates grant for educational outreach. Stewards work together to grow and share produce. 50% of what we grow is donated to support food security in our neighborhood.
Learn new skills and enjoy the garden! We have volunteer hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You can commit for the season as a garden steward or drop-in for a day. We welcome all helping hands! All volunteers share in part of the harvest after we donate our bounty to local food banks. Send us a message if you would like more information!
March - October
Wednesday 9 am - 11 am
Saturday 9 am - 12 pm
1401 South G St
Tacoma, Washington 98405
Email us at: galluccilearninggarden@gmail.com

The Gallucci Learning Garden is part of a larger network of gardens in the Hilltop owned and managed by the Tacoma Urban Land Trust which includes the Viet Huong Community Garden. The Tacoma Urban Land Trust’s mission is to acquire and preserve green spaces in our Hilltop community, help connect neighbors to one another, nourish and sustain our ethnic diversity, and provide education to our younger and older community members as well as provide space to grow nutritious foods.

Founders, past workers, and current stewards of Gallucci.
What We're Doing
Seasonal goals and plantings.
Every summer we schedule a range of events and classes.
Our commitment to education extends outside the garden.
How do I get to the Gallucci Learning Garden?Gallucci is tucked behind Nativity House. The best way to approach is from South Tacoma Way. Turn west on 14th Street and then left into the parking lot. You will see the garden and its fence along 14th and the corner of G Street. You can park along any of the street spaces. The fence entrances are on the side of 14th st. and in the alley behind the garden. The address is: 1401 South G St Tacoma, Washington 98405 If you want more details, feel free to reach out at galluccilearninggarden@gmail.com
Where can I park?All parking near the garden is street parking. As the area grows there may be changes. The garden has entrances from Court F and on South 14th Street. Please follow all local parking regulations.
What do I bring to help volunteer?Things volunteers find helpful are: a hat, sunscreen, and sturdy shoes. We have gloves but you may also want to bring your own. It is helpful to have your own water bottles. You may also bring your tools and any aids to help you stay comfortable. However, we try to have tools available. You may also want to bring a bag to take home some produce if there is something we are harvesting. That usually happens on a Saturday. Children must be supervised by parents at all times.
Do I need to sign up for a class or event?Most events do not require registration. There are events at other locations which may require registration such as the public library. We would love to answer more of your questions about any class or event. You can contact us at galluccilearninggarden@gmail.com
Do you have resources for gardening with kids?We do! You can always come to the garden and see what we are handing out. Sometimes we give away seeds, vegetables, or even a book for kids written by one of our stewards. Inside the garden there are placards with QR codes to fun videos and throughout the year there are family-friendly events at the garden and other teaching sites. All are welcome! You can also check out our new page about the Children's Garden with links to books we recommend.